What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)?
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy involves the use of hormones that are chemically identical to those the body naturally produces. It is commonly used to treat symptoms of hormone imbalances, such as those associated with menopause or andropause, by replacing or supplementing hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.
Our practitioners offer bioidentical hormone therapy integrated with functional medicine practices in order to assist patients overcome negative symptoms of hormone imbalance, as well as experience wellbeing and better health as they age. Our treatment plans are tailored to suit the unique needs of each patient's personal medical history, health status, and lifestyle preferences.
Hormone Imbalance Symptoms
Low libido and low sex drive
Irritability or anxiety
Unexplained weight gain or weight loss
Poor sleep
Unexplained or excessive sweating
Long term fatigue without reason
Brittle or weak bones
Very dry skin or skin rashes
Delivery Methods of HRT
There are a number of hormone delivery methods available to meet your needs. You can choose from pills, patches, creams, gels, injections, or pellets. Discuss with our providers what delivery method is best for you based on your customized treatment plan.
Pellet Therapy
This form of HRT is considered the most effective delivery method of hormone therapy and is the preferred option among patients and providers. Pellet therapy is available for estradiol and testosterone hormone replacement. The hormone is compounded into a tiny pellet and is inserted into the upper layer of the dermis, just above the buttocks.
This form of delivery is the most optimal for a natural dosing structure and bioavailability. Pellet therapy mimics the slow, steady dosing that occurs naturally within the human body.
Creams and Gels
Creams are a topical form of HRT and available for cyclical progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen therapies. This method would include receiving a custom-compounded cream or gel to apply as directed by our provider to a specific area of the body.
While there are some advantages to creams and gels, the primary side effect reported is outcomes related to transference to others you may come into contact with after application.
Patches are another delivery method available for estrogen therapy that offers convenient application and avoids errors in dosing. The patch stays on the skin for a recommended time period, delivering hormones through the skin until a new patch is required.
The visibility and the risk of the patch falling off are often what deters patients from using this method.
Pills are a familiar form of hormone therapy and are among the most well-studied forms if HRT. Like many other oral medicationd, hormone replacement therapy pills are compounded to your prescribed dose and ingested at a frequency specified by your provider.
There are two types of HRT injections: intra-muscular and subcutaneous. Injections are often less preferred than pellets because of the pain associared with the injection along with the intensity of the hormone delivery following th einjection. Pellets offer a more stable and steady dose, reducing the side effects throughout the dosing cycle.
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